/ / / / / photo's via Cannelle et Vanille / / / / /
sometimes i like to browse my favorite food bloggers and just swoon over their gorgeous bites. Cannelle et Vanille's blog always makes me feel like i'm peeking into a lovely french kitchen that sits in the middle of the country. her food is always bright, simple, and perfectly photographed. here are a few of her photo's... aren't they perfection? i think so.
*check out Cannelle et Vanille's blog for the recipes to match.

3 lovely recipes that incorporate berries...
(1.) Cardamom + lime-flavored black raspberry and currant custard.
(2.) An "Eton Mess" made with raspberries + currants.
pretty huh?
how hungry are you now???
all of this = yummy!!!
I know. Aren't berries the prettiest things? And so nutritious too.
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Those are the cutest little berries! Almost too cute to eat!
Cannelle et Vanille is definitely one of my favorite food blogs! These images are so pretty.
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