one: a top favorite for the 4th of July, corn-on-the-cob... with salt & pepper!
this 4th was one of my favorites over the past couple of years. it was the perfect combo of a delish breakfast, a little down time at home ((to get crafty)), some quality fireman time, killer BBQ with the fam, a little wine {& champagne}, some spontaneous dancing, a humongous ice cream sunday, and some ah-mazing fireworks ((boy, have times changed!!)). it was a little overcast throughout the day in Redondo Beach, but was over all a successful 4th! how was your day???
*check out more "5 things" here!
two: a little art's n craft's time at home.
three: a busy ((& gloomy)) Redondo Beach... 3 hour countdown till the firework show.
four: Danielle + Lilly staying warm by the fire... killer bun & cute pup, right?!
five: best fireworks ever... a close tie for first with the corn-on-the-cob ;)
how was your 4th?!
Sounds like you had a fun 4th! Love corn on the cob too!
Aw, your day looks like so much fun! Hooray :)
<3 Cambria
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