// photo + DIY by the fashion gal //
today's HOW-TO is all about decorating your house on a budget! like art work for a $10 budget! not bad right?! this project is also great if you have a large wall to fill, but want want something simple and tonal to the colors in your room. i had a big empty wall ((in our office)) that needed a little somethin-somethin. so i scored a couple wood panels that my neighbor was throwing away, picked up some tonal paint samples, and went to town!
YOU'LL NEED: (above) a paint tray, painters tape, a yard stick, roller brush, & two sample paints.
(below) recycled wood panels or store bought wood.
let's get started...
STEP 1: draw out your geometric design on a piece of paper... then draw the same design onto your wood panel. use your yard stick to make your lines as straight and consecutive a possible.
STEP 2: using your roller paint brush, go over the straight lines in your design...
you will want to do two coats of this paint.
STEP 3: once your second coat is dry, tape off where your original lines were.

STEP 4: once your tape is secure, use your roller brush to paint over the tape...
you'll want to do two coats of this too. once the paint is dry, GENTLY pull the tape off...
and voila!
i used a light grey & white for my $10 wall art... so my now the accessories ((pillow n' props)) in my office can really pop!
will you be making some wall art any time soon???
This looks SO COOL! I love the abstract designs...and the white and grey are so light and fresh together.
<3 Cambria
Oh in exactly 4 days our roomate is moving out!!!!!!!!!!!! and this may have to be a project I take on! Thanks!
(Yes I am actually screaming because I am that excited. :))
Love, love, love!!! Now you need to sell those!
WOW! This is gorgeous and so inexpensive- great for someone who is just moving out and doesn't want to invest too much into wall art. A.k.a ME! You did an amazing job!
Looking forward to more DIY!
Super cute! Might have to try!
Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget
Looks like I know what my weekend project is. Love this! I am your newest follower. xo
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